The 2030 Accord is about raising awareness and momentum in the Australian community to achieve hepatitis B and hepatitis C (viral hepatitis) elimination by 2030.
Australia is leading the world in viral hepatitis elimination. We have strong national strategies with clear targets. We have the medicines and a vaccine.
The 2030 Accord’s Mission is to:
- Achieve viral hepatitis elimination in Australia by 2030
- Ensure viral hepatitis elimination is an Australian national health priority in policy, investment and action
Now we need to build a national movement. Will you support our Mission?
The organisations that already support the 2030 Accord’s Mission:
- Hepatitis Australia (founder)
- Kirby Institute
- Doherty Institute
- Burnet Institute
- Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW
- Australasian Hepatology Association
- Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases
- ACH2
- WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis
- The Hepatitis Foundation of New Zealand
- New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology
- Menzies School of Health Research
- Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University
- Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology
Share and support
We've put together a social media toolkit, with slides and tiles for sharing.
Please join us on Twitter using #2030Accord, and mention us with @2030Accord.
For more information email: [email protected]